Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mercury and Dysbiosis

Here are some examples of what mercury toxicity does to the body.

One of the many incredible articles written by Dr. Ron Kennedy, this is copied from his website:

Mercury toxicity is frequently associated with chronic gut wall infection. The mechanism is as follows. One consumes an acid forming diet (mainly animal products, simple and refined carbs, e.g. bread, pasta, juices, sodas, pastries, etc., also coffee and alcohol, perhaps even "consuming" tobacco). On top of that one has the stress of an elevated body burden of mercury from dental amalgams or other sources (fish, paint, or industrial exposures) and these two conditions lead to a transitory leaky gut syndrome. If antibiotics are taken for extended periods, your fate is practically sealed. In leaky gut syndrome the lining of the gut develops microscopic holes. Anaerobic bacteria, candida and fungi then leak into the gut wall and set up a permanent residence in the gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) known as Peyer's Patches. These bacteria produce acid toxins which have a systemic effect on long term health and disable the gut lining so that dysbiosis results. Normally the lining of the gut regulates the intestinal flora to produce eubiosis by placing an antibody called Secretory A on the surface. Secretory A kills dysbiotic organisms on contact. Thus in the absence of adequate Secretory A the wrong organisms proliferate in the gut and produce chronic persistent bloating, gas and sometimes diarrhea and/or constipation. The systemic symptom produced is fatigue which is not dependent on any specific food intake.

And there the situation remains for the rest of your life, or until it is adequately treated. An infected gut wall does not get well because the very system which should get rid of them is the system in which they have set up shop - the immune system (Peyer's patches in the gut wall). By their close proximity they weaken the immune system and what results would be thought of as a "Mexican standoff."

Therefore, from my point of view, anyone who is fatigued, has dental amalgams and bloating has this syndrome until proven otherwise. That person will not recover full health and vitality until properly treated.

Here in summary form are the essential assertions of mercury and root canal free dentistry accompanied by literature references in cases where there can be any argument. I am indebted to Dr. Ron Kennedy who is indebted to Dr. Robert Gammal and Mr. Leif Hedegard for the organization of this information.

  1. Dental Amalgam contains about 50% Mercury. (undisputed)
  2. Mercury has been scientifically demonstrated to be more toxic than Lead, Cadmium, or even Arsenic. (undisputed)
  3. Mercury leaves dental amalgam continuously throughout the lifetime of the filing.(7)
  4. Mercury vapor is the main way that mercury comes out of amalgam.(31)
  5. Mercury vapor is absorbed at a rate of 80% through the lungs into the arterial blood. (31, 55)
  6. Mercury is cytotoxic. i.e. it kills cells (undisputed)
  7. There is NO harmless level of Mercury Vapor Exposure. (63)
  8. Mercury from amalgam binds to -SH (sulfhydryl) groups. These exist in almost every enzymatic process in the body. Mercury from amalgam will thus have the potential of disturbing all metabolic processes. ( 25, 33,60).
  9. Mercury from amalgam is transported freely via the blood.(19,34,35,)
  10. Mercury vapor is absorbed directly into the brain. (34, 55a)
  11. Mercury from amalgam will result in a slow build up of mercury in body tissues. (20,26, 34)
  12. Mercury crosses the blood brain barrier. (34,55a)
  13. Mercury is implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease. (67,68)
  14. Mercury from amalgam is stored in the fetus and infant before the mother. (20,61)
  15. Mercury from amalgam is stored in the breast milk and the fetus up to 8 times more than the mother's tissues. (18,19)
  16. Mercury (Mercury Vapor / Methyl mercury) crosses the placenta.(18, 31)
  17. Mercury Crosses into breast milk.(18,31,61)
  18. Mercury will severely reduce reproductive function.(2, 3, 4, 20, 22, 24, 31, 37,38, 39, 40, 41, 49)
  19. Mercury rapidly depletes the immune system.(27,34,35,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,60)
  20. Mercury will induce a number of Auto Immune Diseases.(27,34,35,42,43,44,60)
  21. Mercury will cause an increase in number and severity of allergies.(1,34,60)
  22. Mercury from amalgam is stored principally in the kidneys, liver and brain. (1,20,31)
  23. Mercury from amalgam (shown in animal experiments) causes kidney damage.(59)
  24. Mercury from will cause a 50% reduction in Kidney filtration as shown in a study of sheep after amalgam placement.(59)
  25. Methyl Mercury is 100 times more toxic than elemental Mercury. (undisputed)
  26. Mercury from amalgam is methylated in the mouth.(51,53,54,)
  27. After chewing, Mercury Vapor levels will remain raised for at least another 90 minutes. (1,15,16,18,47)
  28. Mercury from amalgam will migrate through the tooth.(25,27,30)
  29. This rate of migration is increased if a gold crown is placed over a tooth filled with amalgam. (27,30)
  30. Teeth are living tissue and are a part of our bodies. (undisputed)
  31. Teeth have a massive communication via blood, lymph and nerves with the rest of the body.(34
  32. Mercury from amalgam is absorbed into the body at a rate of 3 to 17 mcg / day. (WHO 1991 Criteria 118)
  33. Mercury release is increased by; increases in temperature, friction & increase in electrical currents.(28,31,56)
  34. Mercury from amalgam will enter the body as elemental mercury, inorganic mercury, vapor, charged mercury ions.
  35. In the Brain, Mercury from amalgam is stored preferentially in the Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus.(20,34)
  36. Micro-Mercurialism is principally characterized by Neurological symptoms.(34)
  37. Mercury is transported along the axons of nerve fibers.(33,34,50)
  38. Mercury from amalgam may be stored in every other cell in the body. Each area affected will produce its own set of symptoms
  39. Mercury binds to hemoglobin in the red blood cell thus reducing oxygen carrying capacity.(1,16,17,21,26,35)
  40. Mercury damages blood vessel reducing blood supply to the tissues (micro-angiopathies).(34)
  41. Amalgam fillings produce electrical currents which might be injurious to health. These currents are measurable in Micro Amps. The Central Nervous System (Brain) operates in the range of Nano-Amps this is One Thousand times less than a Micro Amp.(28)
  42. Dissimilar metals in the mouth [eg Gold & Amalgam] will produce higher electrical currents.(19,30)
  43. Mercury from amalgam (shown in animal experiments) will induce Antibiotic Resistance and Mercury resistance in bacteria in the mouth and Gastrointestinal tract.(58)
  44. Brain levels of mercury are in a direct linear proportion to the number of Surfaces of amalgam fillings in the mouth.(1,19,25)
  45. The level of Mercury, in brain tissue of fetus's, new born, and young children, is proportional to the number of amalgams in the mother's mouth.(61)
  46. Mercury will cause single strand breaks in DNA.(41,42)
  47. Mercury levels in the body can not be assessed by either blood or urine levels. (26)
  48. Mercury from amalgam fillings is the single greatest source of dietary mercury for the general population. (W.H.O. Criteria 118., 1991).
  49. Dental personnel are severely effected by exposure to mercury. (3,13,49)
Typically, mercury poisoning involves fatigue and poor digestion. If you are investigating this complex of symptoms, be sure to read this article from Dr.Kennedy's website:

Those who suffer mercury poisoning will not recover from Candida, Leaky Gut, or Yeast Syndrome, until the removal of the mercury, by chelation treatment, and the dental amalgams removal, by a dentist. The reason goes as "the intestines repairs itself, it is then damaged again by what caused it in the first place." If you are having problems comprehending this, read on.

Here is another article, this one is written by Anthony Reinglas a Naturopathic and alternative medicine practitioner

Overgrowth of Candida, results in the condition known as "Candidiasis," which commonly produces localized symptoms by invading the tissues of the mouth, gastrointestinal tracts, vaginal area, urinary tract, prostate gland, skin, fingernails and toenails. Normally , a healthy immune system controls Candida levels. However, circumstances may occur that can permit an excessive yeast overgrowth, such as prolonged use of antibiotics, medicines, steroids, birth control pills and excessive sugar intake. (Candida loves sugar)

The major waste product of yeast cell activity is ACETALDEHYDE. Candida can multiply very quickly and after many years of growth, the buildup of acetaldehyde toxins can be overwhelming to the body tissues. The poison is transformed into ethanol and converted by the liver to alcohol. This depletes the body of magnesium and potassium which reduces cell energy. These two minerals are absolutely essential for tissue strength and integrity.

Candida is an incredible destroyer of health and is the main missing link in many of our modern day diseases and sub-health conditions. The fact that Candida can rob the body of its nutrition and poison the tissues with its toxins is a major contribution, directly or indirectly to the following list of possible serious conditions/symptoms:
Systemic Degeneration
Candida is a negative Yeast infection that begins in the digestive system and little by little spreads to other parts of the body. It is a strong invasive parasite that attaches itself to the intestinal wall and becomes a permanent resident of your internal organs. It is causing numerous health problems and discomfort for over 30 million men and women in the US every day and is estimated that nearly everyone has or will have a moderate to serious Candida condition eventually in their lives.
An autopsy done on a women who had died of heart failure for no apparent reason, found that her heart was totally encased with Candida yeast. Vaginal yeast infections are more prevalent today than ever, and they will never completely go away until the yeast has been cleared systemically from the intestinal area and blood stream. To make matters worse, Candida can be sexually transmitted from one person to another or be made worse because semen is high in fructose. Candida symptoms to look for: Dark bags under the eyes, pinkness around each fingernail, coated tongue - usually a slimy white or yellowish coating on tongue, sores or redness around mouth called oral "thrush", vaginal sores and itching, fungus under fingernails & toenail, rashes that come and go and appear in different areas and gas & bloating

What is Dysbiosis?

Dysbiosis is an overgrowth of yeast, harmful bacteria, viruses or parasites in the intestines.

Dysbiosis relates to an overgrowth of pathogens. Yeasts are not the only intestinal residents that may cause these symptoms. In fact, intestinal bacteria or viruses can also cause dysbiosis. Severe dysbiosis sufferers will have overgrowth of both yeast and pathogenic bacteria in their intestines.

Symptoms of Dysbiosis
Dysbiosis makes you tired. Dysbiosis alters the immune system and can upset your hormonal balance. Dysbiosis can cause brain fog. Dysbiosis can cause anxiety, depression or mood swings. It affects almost every aspect of health. When living with dysbiosis you are likely to suffer from fatigue, headaches, intestinal upsets, and many of the symptoms normally attributed to Candida.

After suffering from heavy metal poisoning I (Aaron Gordon) have had all of the following symptoms related above.

I have suffered short term memory retention, brain fog, chronic fatique, sluggishness, bad breath, bloating of the intestines, constant gas, bleeding of the anus, itching of the anus, acne breakout, irritable bowel, a constant nagging feeling of something not being right, exhaustion, forgetfulness, toenail fungus, jock itch-occasionally, polyps in my nose, a feeling of a mettalic bar going through the temple area region; (connecting each ear), and vision impairment. After the removal of the amalgams in my mouth, there was a tremendous difference in my energy levels. Though, not until I fully removed all of the heavy metals in my body through dental amalgam removal, chelation therapy, and Ion Cleanse treatments, that I began to see a marked improvement.

For those beginning this treatment, I suggest seeking a consultation with "Elagant Body Health Consultants" 415-449-3232, and/or go directly to Dr. Ron Kennedy, his email is His clinic telephone # is (707-576-0100)

I (Aaron Gordon) sought treatment for this related type illness and I found myself beginning treatments suggested by my doctors; treatments that did not work. Between my family and our government they have spent close a quarter million dollars on my different tests, doctor costs, and treatment costs over the extended period of my lifetime. It was only during the last ten thousand dollars spent, that I finally found a solution that works, and I finally began to feel an extraordinary difference in my health. When I finally I arrived at the doorstep of Dr.Kennedy, this has made all the difference. Working with Doctor Kennedy gave to me a foundation upon which to build all of my suspicions of what this illness is about. Since I have founded "Elagant Body Health Consultants" a consulting company based in San Francisco California.
"Elagant Body Health Consultants" has found that recovery from this illness is possible, although if not done correctly, it will not only be a waste of the patients time, but their money will be wasted also. This has happened to me when working with a homeopathic practioner; She referred me to keep taking vitamin supplements for my many different symptoms to no avail. This cost $10,000.00 before I gave up after listening to her off and on for 4 years. Although I contribute partly my recovery from Hepatitis C to the heavy vitamin therapy, it was not until I had full removal of the mercury in my system by chelation treatment, that I found out, after having viral level testing that the Hepatitis C was not in my system anymore.

"Elagant Body Health Consultants"has since devised a program for optimal health that includes recovering from these related illnesses. "Elagant Body Health Consultants" incorporates the treatments described above, and other methods of treatments. At "Elagant Body Health Consultants" we incorporate the best of the methods of Eastern vs. Western treatments, into one comprehensive health plan.

To contact "Elagant Body Health Consultants" call (415-449-3232) please leave a message and/or email (Aaron Gordon at (we will get back to you within a day, to schedule consultation time)
Thank you, "Elagant Body Health Consultants".

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