Friday, July 20, 2007

Gut Wall Repair, Yeast,& Candida

The removal of Candida, Yeast, and to repair the damage done to the Gut Wall is not an easy job, and it must be done properly or else the treatment will need to be done again.
So please pay attention, and do this right, so that you don't have to make the same mistakes I made; when I was getting treatments that were incorrect for the illness I suffered. It is a terrible feeling to know that you missed out on years of feeling good and being healthy because you did not do the right treatment. You cannot replace those years of time. This is my major disappointment with many of the practitioners I worked with over the years, because I was paying them money, large amounts of it, and still I was sick. I can not get back the time I have spent doing their protocols. The money and time will add up trust me. And the illness gets worse.

As I stated before in other articles, it takes commitment, time and energy, and a desire above all else, to become healthy and live in optimal health.
Again I cannot say this enough. It is not easy work and/or easy treatments at first. This takes serious commitment. After a while though, it does become a way of life.
The good is that once on the diet and treatments, life becomes easier and the desires for the other lifestyle goes away. Heck who needs it because we feel great and do not want to in any shape or form go back to that awful life.
The reason life becomes easier is the body is now getting the nutrients that it needs. The body is not starving anymore for proper nutrients. Our internal system components are not always hungry yearning for more nutrients. We have satisfied our systems needs.
Because of this our bodies become stable, and content, in health.

Remember also this is especially not easy to do alone and this is why it is recommended to do with a friend or partner. I can attest to this being a wonderful experience although very difficult as well at times. It is awesome to see the person you love come alive out of the death zone.

For more information contact "Elagant Body Health Consultants" at wekupU@gmail or call 415-449-3232 for a phone consultation appointment and/or for setting up a regiment of treatment.
"Elagant Body Health Consultants"

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